Isle of Anglesey County Council

Community buildings directory

This directory gives information about community buildings on Anglesey.

People, communities and organisations can find out how to book, what facilities are available and the type of activities on offer. There is also information on accessibility.

This information is listed under Anglesey’s political wards. You can use the interactive map, or the links on this page to learn more about the community buildings available. 

Age Friendly Anglesey

This directory is developed as part of Age Friendly Anglesey, which works towards creating an Anglesey where there are no barriers to ageing well.

Add your building to the directory

If you would like to include your building in this directory:

Paper copy

If you would like a paper copy of this directory:

If you would like some help

If you:

  • experience a lack of confidence
  • feel socially isolated
  • want to improve your physical health
  • need some information or support to attend some of the activities taking place

there is support available through Medrwn Môn’s social prescribing service.


Phone: 01248 725 745
