Isle of Anglesey County Council

Your Council Tax

There are three components to your Council Tax, which go to:

  • Isle of Anglesey County Council
  • the Police and Crime Commissioner
  • town and community councils

Isle of Anglesey County Council is responsible for collecting the money on their behalf, but the police and the town and community councils decide their own levels of Council Tax.

Each property is allocated a Council Tax band determined by the Valuation Officer.

Council Tax is a system of local taxation collected by local authorities ('the Council').

It is a tax on domestic property. Generally, the bigger the property is, the more tax will be charged.

The council keeps a list of all the domestic property in its area.

This is called the valuation list. Each property is valued and put into a valuation band.

A different amount of Council Tax is then charged on each band.

Range of values Band
Values not exceeding £44,000 A
Values exceeding £44,000 but not exceeding £65,000 B
Values exceeding £65,000 but not exceeding £91,000 C
Values exceeding £91,000 but not exceeding £123,000 D
Values exceeding £123,000 but not exceeding £162,000 E
Values exceeding £162,000 but not exceeding £223,000 F
Values exceeding £223,000 but not exceeding £324,000 G
Values exceeding £324,000 but not exceeding £424,000 H
Values exceeding £424,000 I

Council Tax charges

Download: Council Tax charges per town/community

This HTML download will open a new tab in your browser.

Check your Council Tax band

You can check you Council Tax band on the GOV.UK website.

Check your Council Tax band (external website)

Who is responsible for paying Council Tax?

​The person named on the Council Tax bill is responsible for paying the charges.

Where the property is occupied, this is usually the resident with the most interest in the property, such as:

  • Owner occupiers, leaseholders, tenants (as long as they don't live at the same property as their landlord) and residents
  • Owners will be liable for properties where there is no resident and for properties that are considered to be a house in multiple occupation (HMO).

Joint liability

Joint and several liability is a legal term which means that each person with the same level of interest in a property is equally responsible for paying the Council Tax.

We will issue the Council Tax bill in more than one name if you:

  • own your property jointly with another person or other people
  • have a joint tenancy with another person or other people
  • are married, are part of a civil partnership, or live with someone else as part of a couple

​​Right of appeal

You may appeal if you think that you are not liable to pay Council Tax or you should be entitled to a discount or exemption. For example:

  • you are not the property owner
  • the property is exempt
  • there is a mistake in calculating your bill

All appeals should be submitted to Isle of Anglesey County Council in the first place. Lodging of an appeal may not be regarded as a valid reason for not paying your Council Tax.

If you disagree with the council’s decision, you can appeal to the Valuation Tribunal of Wales.

The council is not responsible for setting your council tax band. If you consider your valuation band is or has been incorrect, the Listing Officer may be able to review your band.

Further detailed information is available from the Listing Officer by email to or telephone 03000 505 505.

Making an appeal does not allow you to withhold payment of tax owing in the meantime. If your appeal is successful you will be entitled to a refund of any overpaid tax.

The money raised by the council from Council Tax goes on major services including:

  • children's social care
  • waste collection and processing
  • support for the elderly and vulnerable people
  • schools, education and youth services
  • preventing homelessness
  • maintaining car parks and open spaces
  • roads, highways and streets
  • planning and building control services
  • coroners, registrars, courts and elections
  • street cleaning and flood defences

You can ask us for a copy of your bill.

Get a copy of your bill - the link opens a new tab.

Open the form using a supported web browser such as Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Firefox.

You can pay your Council Tax in a number of ways:

  • Direct Debit
  • Online
  • Telephone
  • Post Office
  • PayPoint
  • By post
  • Bank

Pay your bill