Isle of Anglesey County Council

Comment and object on a current planning application

The law provides that the council - as the local planning authority - must give publicity to all applications for planning permission. The type and level of publicity will depend on the nature of the proposal in the application.

Generally, the larger the development proposed then the greater the level of publicity required. Regulations and Welsh Government advice give detailed provisions as to the type of publicity and consultation which may be required.

Search for planning applications and decisions

You don’t have to comment on the application if you don’t want to, even if you receive a letter from the Planning Department. However, you do have the right to make comments if you want to.

Please note that any comments you make must be placed on the application file. The application file is a public document and other members of the public will have a right to inspect it and to see any comments that you make.

  • Take an opportunity to look at the application. The application file is available to view on our website.
  • Make your comments in writing. Note the application’s reference number on your letter and remember your name and address too. Address your letter to:The Head of Planning Service, Planning Department, Isle of Anglesey County Council, Llangefni, Anglesey, LL77 7TW
  • Try and make your comments as early as you can. Although your comments may be made at any time, the earlier you make them the easier it is to assess them as part of the application
  • Planning applications can only be decided on planning grounds and taking account of planning matters. Therefore your comments must be about ‘planning matters’. A planning matter is a consideration arising out of the use of the land.

The planning officer dealing with the case will take account of what you’ve said together with all other relevant comments, policies and other relevant planning matters. The Planning Service does not have the resources to enter into a dialogue about the merits or otherwise of an application. This will be dealt with in the officer’s report.

Most decisions are made by officers under delegated powers. A report will be placed on file summarising the decision made and the reasons for it and a decision notice will be sent to the applicant. If the decision is made by the Planning Committee, a public report will be prepared for their meeting where Councillors on the Committee will consider and decide the application. The report will include a summary of the comments received. In either case, you can have a look at the application file to see what was decided and what were the relevant planning matters in reaching that decision.

Planning matters include the following:

  • design and use of the proposal in its surroundings
  • compliance with the development plan
  • the effect of sunlight and daylight on adjoining properties
  • loss of privacy for adjoining properties
  • effect on parking, traffic and road safety
  • noise and general disturbance to adjoining properties

Planning matters do not include the following:

  • rights to a view
  • rights to light
  • devaluing your property
  • covenants affecting properties
  • nuisance caused by building work
  • land ownership disputes
  • the personal character of the applicant
  • moral issues