Isle of Anglesey County Council

View planning and building control applications

Use MapMôn to see applications in your area

You can search and view planning and building control applications on our general public register and on our interactive map - MapMÔN - which also provides a comprehensive range of information related to your address and its surrounding area.

Planning decisions

Decisions on planning applications can be taken by either officers or elected councillors meeting at the Planning and Orders Committee, depending on the nature of the application. 

We provide a webcast of the latest Planning and Orders Committee proceedings.

Online public register

You can search online to view planning applications, building control applications and decisions using the public register.

Search and view planning applications, building control applications and decisions

How to search for planning applications

You can search for planning applications from approximately 1984 onwards using:

  • planning application reference number, such as 49C185H
  • details such as ward, date valid or by key word in the application proposal
  • address, by entering partial information such as entering "new" will return all applications for New Street and New Road
  • maps, with planning applications dating back to circa 1947 available to view on our interactive map MapMÔN. (Please note that historical planning applications may only contain a reference number and the descriptions are only available in English).

What you can find out

The online facility published the following information on submitted planning applications application forms, plans and supporting documentation together with the final decision (redactions are applied where applicable). 

Related documents (as detailed above) will only be available for applications valid from 14 August, 2019. You can request the same documentation from applications prior to this date by filling in our online form.

The service will endeavour to provide the requested details within 15 working days of a request being received although during busy periods there may be a delay in processing your request.

The planning information displayed is not necessarily a full history of any site and it should not be regarded as an alternative to the information provided through a formal local land charges search. Although we try to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided we make no representations or warranties about the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the information and we do not accept any responsibility for its use or reliance.  

Building Control records are not public records

Building Control records are not public records which mean there is no public right to view or obtain information submitted under the Building Regulations. However, the owner of a property or a solicitor acting in the sale of the property can request to view plans or obtain a copy of completion certificates and decision notices for a specified fee. 

Please note that Building Control records are kept for 16 years in accordance with the Councils’ retention policy.


Plans, drawings and other material submitted to the local authority are protected by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (section 47).

You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.