Isle of Anglesey County Council

National Empty Homes Grant Scheme - Frequently Asked Questions

The scheme is designed to further reduce the number of long-term empty properties in Wales and therefore increase housing supply by offering grants to owners / prospective owners of long-term empty properties.

Local authorities, Registered Social Landlords and Community Housing Groups are also able to access the funding for empty properties they are acquiring to bring back into use as additional affordable housing. 

Grants of up to £25,000 are available to renovate empty properties to make them safe to live in and improve their energy efficiency.The grant is available in instalments as the work is undertaken. A minimum 15% contribution is required from the applicant.

The key eligibility criteria for the scheme are as follows:

  • The empty home must be located within a participating local authority area.
  • The home must currently be registered with the authority’s Council Tax Department as vacant (unoccupied and unfurnished) and have been so for a minimum 12-month period at the date of application.
  • Applicants must be owners or prospective owners, who intend to occupy the property as their main and only residence, for a minimum 5-year period from the date of the certification of grant aided work. (Grant condition period).
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