Isle of Anglesey County Council

Commercial and trade waste

Do not break the law

The two household waste recycling sites on the island (Gwalchmai and Penhesgyn) are not legally authorised to take trade or commercial waste.

If you take trade or commercial waste to these sites you will be breaking the law.

Natural Resources Wales in conjunction with the Waste Management Section and North Wales Police regularly conduct joint operations where trade vehicles are stopped, checked and searched for illegally transported waste.


The penalties for being found and prosecuted are potentially high. Fines could range from a £300 on the spot fixed penalty to a maximum court fine of £5,000.

Dispose of trade waste legally

Employing a trades person

If the trades person working for you offers to dispose of the waste from the job, you must satisfy yourself that certain factors are in place.

  • The trades-person has a Waste Carriers Licence. This will contain a unique reference number issued by Natural Resources Wales
  • Get a receipt for the waste from the tradesperson. The receipt will contain:
    • waste carrier details
    • the waste carrier’s unique reference number
    • a receipt issue number following the numerical order in the receipt book
    • the date
    • a description of the waste
    • where the waste is coming from
    • where the waste is to be taken to

Keep the receipt as you may need to show it to authorised officials.

What a tradesperson carrying trade or commercial waste must do

The trades person should have obtained a Waste Carriers Licence issued by and obtained from Natural Resources Wales

This licence contains a unique reference number and authorises the holder to transport trade and/or commercial waste.

When a trades-person does work that involves the making of waste and that waste is not hazardous, if the person employing requests that waste to be removed, the trades person must issue that person with a receipt (as dealt with above). The receipt copy will then be kept for five years by the trades-person.