Isle of Anglesey County Council

Financial and Digital Inclusion team here to help

Anglesey Council’s Financial and Digital Inclusion team is on hand to support residents if they are experiencing financial difficulty as a result of Coronavirus.

There has been an extremely high demand on our Financial Inclusion Services as a result of the crisis.

The team provides free and confidential advice and support on a variety of matters. 

Council officers, who are currently based at home, are utilising innovative technology to establish relationships and trust with those they support.

The Financial and Digital Inclusion Team can help with:

  • Accessing information about utility bills and financial assistance that may be available for water/gas and electric; including accessing credit for pre-payment meters for those who are having to self-isolate and are unable to visit a pay-point.
  • Accessing foodbanks if someone has no income/savings to buy food.
  • Budgeting advice due to changes to income following unemployment or being placed on furlough.
  • Reporting any changes on Universal Credit Journal or managing a Universal Credit claim online.

The team is also continuing its day to day work, which includes offering advice on accessing bank accounts, discussing housing options such as downsizing to more affordable accommodation. The Team can also help with debt advice and developing financial confidence and capabilities whatever a person’s situation.

In addition, if you are a Council tenant and are struggling to pay your rent, please contact your Housing Management Officer on 01248 752200 to discuss your concerns.

Officers can advise on how best to deal with the situation, whether it’s to make an arrangement, discuss how to maximise your income, advise on how to apply for Universal Credit, Housing Benefit, Payment Discretionary Housing, or refer you to a specialist agency such as the JE O'Toole Centre or Citizens Advice.

Housing and Community portfolio holder, Councillor Alun Mummery, said, “Our team is working hard to offer support and guidance to the residents of Anglesey. I’m very proud of the efforts of our hardworking staff as they provide this vital service on behalf of so many on the island.”

He added, “If you require advice please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Financial Inclusion Services. They are here to help you”.

To access support: Call the Financial and Digital Inclusion Team on 01248 752200, or you can e-mail:

Ends 05.06.2020.

PHOTO: Katie Jones, Financial Inclusion Officer