Isle of Anglesey County Council

Team around the family

Team Around The Family logo

Team around the family work with families and agencies to identify problems early, to change things for the better and prevent the problems developing into something more serious.

How do we do this?

Assess → Identify problems → Identify possible solutions → Discuss with the family → Call a meeting → Create a family plan → Working together to solve the problems → Close the case

Who do we work with?

We work with children and young people aged 0-25, their guardians / parents, other family members and any agency that can support the team to make a difference to the family.

With what can we help you?

We could help families with all kinds of different things, such as;

  • problems in school
  • disability within the family
  • parenting problems
  • anti-social behaviour / behavioural difficulties
  • health and emotional wellbeing
  • misuse of alcohol and drugs
  • teenage pregnancy
  • housing issues

You must obtain the family's permission to refer, as Team Around the Family is a voluntary process. It’s a free service to all families.