What is a Looked After Child?
When the Council accommodates a child or young person it does so according to the law. These generally fall into two sections of the Children Act 1989, firstly:
Section 76 – this is where a child is accommodated voluntarily, with consent being given by the person holding parental responsibility. Under Section 76, the Local Authority holds no parental responsibility. Accommodation under Section 76 should only be short term.
Section 31 – this section is where the Local Authority has concerns that a child or young person has suffered significant harm through either neglect, abuse or through being beyond parental control. In these cases Conwy can apply to a court for a Care Order which would allow the Local Authority to share parental responsibility for the child with the parents.
In both these cases, the Local Authority has a corporate parenting responsibility, to provide a high standard of care.
How do we support Looked After Children?
Social Workers have a range of accommodation options dependant on each child’s individual needs. We have a responsibility to ensure that the standard of care the child receives is of the highest possible standard.
- We offer a range of support services to Young People who are unable to live with their families or within another family.
- We work with young people and their families to see if it is possible for the young person to return home to live.
- We offer guidance and support to help children and young people to live fulfilling lives either with their natural or extended family or when they are living away from home with Foster Carers or in Residential Care.
- All Looked After Child have their own allocated Social Worker.
Contact us to discuss any matter or to get information by ringing one of the Teulu Môn officers on 01248 725 888.