Isle of Anglesey County Council

Reablement Service

The Reablement Service is aimed towards promoting your independence following a period of illness, disability or loss of self-confidence.

The Reablement Service is aimed towards promoting your independence following a period of illness, disability or loss of self-confidence. It is also designed to support you as a service user to remain living safely in your own home.

Community Reablement can help in many ways. It can:

  • help you return home from hospital and provide support
  • prevent you from being admitted unnecessarily to hospital or a care home
  • help you to return home following a period spent in a care home
  • help you to continue to live in your own home in the community

Following information provided to the Social Services, a visit will be arranged by an independent living advisor, occupational therapist or social worker to assess what type of support / help you may require.

There will be an opportunity to discuss your individual circumstances and if you need help with any daily tasks which you carry out (e.g. washing, dressing, preparing food) or support or help to regain a certain skill.

You can discuss any help / support that you may need, with the assessor and if agreed, it will be written down on your individual personal support plan.

You will receive a copy of the personal support plan followed by a service delivery plan which will inform you of the time of day and days during the week that the reablement support worker will visit you. You may ask a carer, relative or friend to be present with you during the assessment.

We will discuss the services you receive at least on a weekly basis. These reviews will provide you with an opportunity to tell us whether the service / support you receive, helps you or whether you feel that the arrangements should be changed.

The following support services can be offered following your assessment if it is agreed that you require any of them:

  • equipment and or minor adaptations to your property to help you carry out daily tasks
  • community alarm, Anglesey Telecare Services
  • Telecare Monitoring Services
  • community based services e.g. luncheon clubs, walking clubs
  • computer lifelong learning clubs, good turn schemes
  • ongoing support from the home care service

They are specially trained members of staff, who often work under the guidance of professionals such as physiotherapists and occupational therapists. They will help you to gain independence in:

  • personal care tasks e.g. washing, dressing, moving around
  • domestic tasks e.g. food and drink preparation, organising and planning daily routines, shopping, paying bills and managing financial affairs etc.
  • getting out and about e.g. accessing public or community transport
  • taking part in social activities within the community

Reablement takes place mostly within the persons own home. However, two local extra care facilities of the Local Authority’s Care Homes have dedicated flats for Reablement, where we can offer short term rehabilitation services.

The service is time-limited up to a maximum of 6 weeks.

The final review will identify what ongoing help / support (if any) you may need. Arrangements will then be made to provide the support services that are tailored to meet your needs.