Charges are based on your ability to pay, so the amount each person has to pay will be different.
To work out your charge we look at your weekly income, outgoings and your capital (savings and investments).
Isle of Anglesey County Council’s charging policy has a built in assurance that every person who receives home or day care will be left with the basic income support or guaranteed pension credit entitlement plus 45% after paying any charges.
Capital includes savings held in bank or building society accounts, national savings certificates, bonds, PEPs, TESSAs, ISAs and shares. It could be in your sole name or jointly owned.
It also includes property or land, which you own, apart from your home. The capital value or your interest in it, if it is jointly owned, will also be included as a capital asset.
Below £24,000
If a person is assessed as having capital below this figure then it is ignored in the assessment.
Over £24,000
A person with capital of £24,000 or over will be charged for the service up to a maximum charge of £100.
If your capital falls below £24,000
If your capital / savings fall below £24,000 then you should advise us and complete a financial assessment form.
Please note if the council considers that a person has deliberately disposed of capital / savings in order to qualify for help towards the cost of home/day care, then they will be treated as if they still have the capital. This means that they may not receive financial assistance and will have to pay the maximum charge of £100.
This includes all money you receive on a regular basis, for example:
- state retirement pension, occupational / works pensions or personal pension.
- any state benefits, for example Employment and Support Allowance
- annuities
- rental income received from property you own
- trust fund payments
Disregards and allowable expenses
Having added up your total weekly income, certain amounts are disregarded. The main ones are:
- earnings
- Working Tax Credit
- Disability Living Allowance (DLA) mobility component
- Personal Independence Payment (PIP) mobility component
- Child benefit
- mortgage, rent or Council Tax payments that you do not receive assistance with
- War Pension and War Widows Pension
- payments from Independent Living Fund