Isle of Anglesey County Council

Home care and day care

Home care and day care services are usually services for people who have been assessed as requiring extra support whilst living in their own homes.

For example, you could attend a day centre or you may receive help in your home with personal tasks such as washing and dressing.

Some of the services provided Isle of Anglesey County Council are free, including assessment, information and advice.

In addition, we do not charge for transport to attend a day centre where it is provided by, or arranged by the council and where that transportation is included in your needs assessment.

From 1 May 2022, you will be asked to pay a maximum of £100 per week towards the care you receive.

However, because a person’s ability to pay is taken into account, the actual amount paid may be lower than £100 or there may be no charge.

We will invite you to complete a financial assessment form so that we can work out what you have to pay.

When you receive day care commissioned by Isle of Anglesey County Council you will be expected to pay a contribution towards the cost of your meal and refreshments if you choose to receive these at a day care centre.

In order to find out whether you are eligible for home or day care services you should contact our duty team on 01248 750 057 option 2 in order to arrange an assessment of your needs. A social worker or care manager will carry this out.

If it is established that you need care, your care manager will draw up a care and support plan which sets out what support services you will be receiving. We will then work out the charge for all the relevant services in your care plan.

No – the charges do not apply to:

  • services provided to a person under the age of 18 years
  • services provided to a person subject to Section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983

Please note, this is not a complete list.

If you are not exempt from charges, we will invite you to complete a financial assessment form. The form asks for information about your income, capital and expenditure. We use this information to find out whether you have to pay anything towards these charges.

If you need help completing the form, please contact us on 01248 752 721 and we will arrange for an officer to help you complete the form over the telephone or arrange an appointment at the council offices.

If you choose not to complete the financial assessment form, you will be liable for the maximum charge of £100 per week.

We will need to see all documents that relate to your financial details in order to confirm that the information is correct.

Please ensure that you provide all the relevant documents, for example:

  • Entitlement to benefits received from the Department of Work and Pension, such as State Retirement Pension, Pension Credit or Employment and Support Allowance.
  • Occupational / works / private / personal pensions.
  • Bank, building society, Post Office, savings account passbooks.
  • Recent bank statements
  • Rent book.

You can send in photocopies of these with your form.

Alternatively, we can accept information by email.

If you or your representative have a smartphone or tablet, you can capture the images required to support your claim and email them directly to

Charges are based on your ability to pay, so the amount each person has to pay will be different.

To work out your charge we look at your weekly income, outgoings and your capital (savings and investments).

Isle of Anglesey County Council’s charging policy has a built in assurance that every person who receives home or day care will be left with the basic income support or guaranteed pension credit entitlement plus 45% after paying any charges.


Capital includes savings held in bank or building society accounts, national savings certificates, bonds, PEPs, TESSAs, ISAs and shares. It could be in your sole name or jointly owned.

It also includes property or land, which you own, apart from your home. The capital value or your interest in it, if it is jointly owned, will also be included as a capital asset.

Below £24,000

If a person is assessed as having capital below this figure then it is ignored in the assessment.

Over £24,000

A person with capital of £24,000 or over will be charged for the service up to a maximum charge of £100.

If your capital falls below £24,000

If your capital / savings fall below £24,000 then you should advise us and complete a financial assessment form.

Please note if the council considers that a person has deliberately disposed of capital / savings in order to qualify for help towards the cost of home/day care, then they will be treated as if they still have the capital. This means that they may not receive financial assistance and will have to pay the maximum charge of £100.


This includes all money you receive on a regular basis, for example:

  • state retirement pension, occupational / works pensions or personal pension.
  • any state benefits, for example Employment and Support Allowance
  • annuities
  • rental income received from property you own
  • trust fund payments

Disregards and allowable expenses

Having added up your total weekly income, certain amounts are disregarded. The main ones are:

  • earnings
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA) mobility component
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP) mobility component
  • Child benefit
  • mortgage, rent or Council Tax payments that you do not receive assistance with
  • War Pension and War Widows Pension
  • payments from Independent Living Fund

When one of you is receiving domiciliary care, you will normally be offered a joint assessment with your partner. This means we will consider the total income / expenditure / capital for your household. We will than carry out a single and joint assessment and you will pay the lower of the two assessments.

Where you and your partner both receive a service we will consider the total income / expenditure / capital for your household. We will then carry out an assessment of two people separately and as a couple and you will pay the lower of these two assessments

Should you give away your savings or house once you have been assessed as requiring care to meet your needs and care has commenced, we will treat this sum as notional capital and it will continue to be considered within your financial assessment.

Should you therefore for example gift £20,000 to a relative, when we assess you for financial support we will continue to consider you to have that amount for the purpose of the financial assessment.

Any funds gifted or provided to others beyond the date your care starts is considered a sum that would and should have been available to fund your care.

Some examples of giving away your assets include:

  • if you make a payment to someone else (for example as a gift)
  • if you transfer the title deeds of a property to someone else

We will confirm in writing what you have to pay and provide full details of how and where you can pay.

If you completed a financial assessment form, we will also include a copy of the financial assessment calculation.

Please check the income details used and let us know if you think they are incorrect.

Payments can be made by a number of different methods, including direct debit, cheque, debit or credit card.

You can also pay online.

Pay online

You can ask for a review of your charge if you think that we have calculated your charge incorrectly.

You should do this is in writing to the Client Finance Unit. See contact details below for the address.

We will check the financial assessment and if it is incorrect, we will reassess the charge and advise you accordingly. If we do not change our decision, we will give you a detailed explanation of our decision.

Client Finance Department
Isle of Anglesey County Council
Council Offices
LL77 7TW

If you remain unhappy with the outcome of the review, you can make an official complaint to the council.

You can contact our complaints officer with a complaint, a word of praise or a comment on how to improve the service by contacting:

Designated Complaints Officer
Social Services
Isle of Anglesey County Council
Council Offices
LL77 7TW

Tel: 01248 752 717


Benefits advice can be sought from the Department of Works and Pensions / Citizen Advice.

If your circumstances have changed, you are required to advise the Financial Assessment Team.

Changes include:

  • Increase / decrease in your income or benefits.
  • If your capital increases to above £24,000 or
  • If you are currently paying the maximum charge due to your capital and it decreases to below £24,000.

Contact us

If you need more help, please contact us on

Telephone: 01248 751 935 / 752 721


Anglesey Social Services will use your personal data, which means information about you, in a way that complies with Data Protection Law. 

The council will only use your information in the way that is described within our privacy notice.