Isle of Anglesey County Council

School curriculum

The Education authority aims to provide education of the highest possible quality for all pupils/students, in accordance with their age, ability and interest/aptitude.

So that they become rounded personalities, develop and use all their talents and equip themselves to be responsible members of a bilingual community.

County curriculum policies, primary and secondary, have been outlined and copies are available from the Education Authority. Schools are implementing the National Curriculum which includes securing a balance between the various subjects.

Secondary Schools’ curriculum for 14-18 year olds is based upon the National Curriculum and the 14-19 Learning Pathways. By offering an effective programme of personal and social education, and an opportunity to follow a programme of pre-vocational and vocational courses, schools not only support and strengthen the introduction of the national curriculum but also ensure that young people have the knowledge, skills and qualifications required by them in a technological society which is part of the economy of Europe and the world.