Isle of Anglesey County Council


The Eco-Schools programme is a global system for integrating sustainable development and environmental improvements across a wide range of activities normally undertaken by a school.The programme must involve all the children in the school, as well as teaching and non-teaching staff, the Governing Body and parents. Ultimately, the aim is for the principles that underlie Eco-Schools to become the normal way of life for the whole school. Pupils take key roles in decision-making and participation in order to reduce the environmental impact of the school. In this way, Eco-Schools extends learning beyond the classroom and develops responsible citizenship attitudes both at home and in the wider community.The Eco-Schools programme is flexible enough to allow schools to decide their own priorities and targets and so enables them to progress through the programme at a rate that they are comfortable with. There are no time limits imposed on the school by the scheme.The range of environmental issues which the scheme covers, includes energy efficiency, water use, school grounds, litter, healthy lifestyles, transport and waste minimisation.

The Eco-Schools awards

There are 3 different awards available to Eco-Schools. Schools that demonstrate a commitment to improving their environmental performance can be eligible for a prestigious Eco-Schools award.

For further information on Eco-Schools please visit Keep Wales Tidy.