Isle of Anglesey County Council

Your right to speak at the planning committee

Public Speaking at the Planning and Orders Committee during the Covid-19 Pandemic

The Planning and Orders Committee meetings will be virtual meetings during the Covid-19 pandemic and the Council’s published protocol on Public Speaking at the Planning and Orders Committee is substituted with the attached document  during this time. Protocol Document [PDF | 44kb ]

Interested parties must still register to speak in accordance with the protocol, but will be invited to take part in a virtual meeting through Zoom. Participants must ensure that they have access to Zoom to take part. The attached guidance may assist. Zoom Guidance Booklet [PDF | 1,293kb ]

In addition, you will be required to make a written statement (no longer than 2 sides of an A4 page in plain text with no images or links) to be received not later than 5pm on the Monday immediately before the Committee to be read out in your absence if you do not wish to, or are unable for any reason, to take part in the virtual meeting.

Your comments will be taken into account in the determination of the application. Requests to register to speak as well as written statements should be sent to quoting the planning application reference number. Whilst email correspondence is preferred and will greatly assist the administration of this process, comments can be made in writing and addressed to The Planning Service, Council Offices, Llangefni, Anglesey, LL77 7TW. In order to enable participation in a virtual meeting of the Committee, you must provide a contact telephone number and the e-mail address you intend using to access the meeting.

There is a risk that any comments received after the deadline will not be reported to the Committee.

The schedule for each Committee will be published 3 working days in advance of the meeting.

The decision on the application will be published on the Council’s website.

As part of our commitment to openness and transparency, the council has adopted a policy of allowing members of the public / agents / applicants to address the Planning and Orders Committee when applications are being determined.

You can make a request to speak at meetings, subject to the guidance set out here.

Some files may not be suitable if you are using assistive technology. If you need a more accessible version, please email and tell us the format you need.