Isle of Anglesey County Council

Independent Examination

Following the decision of the Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Planning Policy Committee on 29 January, 2016, the Joint Local Development Plan (Joint LDP) was submitted to the Welsh Government for independent examination under section 64(1) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.  Here is a copy of the statement.

The Joint LDP examination will be carried out by an Independent Inspector from the Planning Inspectorate who will decide if the Plan is ’sound’.  The Inspector will assess the soundness of the Joint LDP in its entirety rather than considering individual objections and will base his opinion on the evidence available,  the comments that have been submitted and the specific circumstances of the Joint LDP and the area. The Planning Inspectorate received the submitted documents on 18 March 2016. 

Planning Inspector

The Welsh Government appointed the following Inspectors to conduct the examination:-

Mr Hywel Wyn Jones BA(Hons), BTP, MRTPI

Mr Richard Duggan BSc (Hons) DipTP, MRTPI 

Programme Officer

The Examination process is administered by the Programme Officer, who works independently of both Councils under the direction of the Inspector.

All correspondence regarding the Examination process and / or for the attention of the Inspector should be directed to the Programme Office.

Contact Details:


Phone:  01286 679411

Address: Programme Officer, Council Offices, Shirehall Street, Caernarfon LL55 1SH

Examination Library

This Examination page will keep you updated on the progress of the Joint LDP as it progress through Examination stage.  This page will be updated on a continuous basis as and when new information is received.

The documents submitted to the Welsh Government can be viewed by appointment only with the Programme Officer, or by clicking the links below:


  • Submit the LDP to the Government - March 2016
  • Pre-hearing meeting - 14 June 2016

Before the Examination’s Hearing sessions start, a Pre-Hearing Meeting (PHM) will be held on 14 June 2016 to discuss the management of the Examination.  This meeting will take place in Siambr Dafydd Orwig, Shirehall Street, Caernarfon, LL55 1SH, starting at 10.30am.  This meeting is to help the Inspector and all interested parties to prepare for the Examination, and the Inspector will outline how the Examination will be conducted and the procedures to be followed.  It is important that all those who wish to be involved in the Examination, particularly those who intend to be involved in the hearing sessions, attend this meeting.  Guidance Notes about the Examination process is included in the Examination Library (Document Reference PCC59 - ’Local Development Plan Examinations - Procedure Guidance’) and Agenda for the Pre-Hearing Meeting will shortly be available on the Examination website.

If you wish to attend to the Pre-hearing meeting you must inform the Programme Officer by 27 May 2016.

  • Hearing - September 2016

The Hearing Sessions are scheduled to commence on 6 September 2016 for five weeks until 6 October 2016 with one break.  Here is a copy of the Notice that confirms the start of the Hearing Sessions.  Up to-date details of Hearing Sessions (including the programme of matters and issues) are available to view / download from the above Hearing Sessions web page.

  • Matters Arising Changes - January 2017

The Councils are consulting on a number of proposed changes to the Plan that have emerged as a result of matters arising from the Hearing Sessions of the Examination. These are called Matters Arising Changes (NMC). Copies of the Schedule of Matters Arising Changes documents (along with related Addendums to the Sustainability Appraisal and the Habitats Regulation Assessments and a Composite version of the Plan, incorporating the MACs) are available to view from 26th January 2017 until midnight 9th March 2017. More details about the public consultation are available to view/ download by clicking the link below:

All representations on the Matters Arising Changes Schedule will be forwarded to the Inspector for consideration. 

If the Inspector decides that additional hearings are required, these will be held during the week beginning 24th April 2017.

  • Further Hearing Sessions

The Inspector held two further hearing sessions to discuss Matter Arising Changes on 26 and 27 April 2017 at the Penrallt Office, Gwynedd Council, Caernarfon.  See the relevant documents in the Examination Library (Hearing Session Documents).

  • Inspector’s Report

Following completion of the Examination, the Inspectors will send a Report to the Councils, which will detail the changes the Councils must make to the Plan and outline the reasons for them. The recommendations in the Inspectors’ Report will be binding, and the Councils must accept the changes recommended by the Inspectors.

It is anticipated that the Report will be issued for the fact checking process only by the 19 June 2017. On the basis that this process will be completed in a timely manner, the Councils anticipate being able to publish the Report by the end of July 2017.