Isle of Anglesey County Council

Current Joint Local Development Plan

The Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan (pdf) was adopted on 31 July 2017.

The LDP is a land use development strategy for a period of 15 years, which concentrates on sustainable development. It will aim to:

  • guide the development of housing, retail, employment and other uses
  • include policies which will aid the local planning authority’s decision with regard to planning applications
  • protect areas to ensure the maintenance and enrichment of the natural and built environment

The Joint Anglesey and Gwynedd Local Development Plan 2011 to 2025 includes a written statement, proposals maps and constraints maps

View the process up to adoption

Monitoring reports

Local planning authorities are required to monitor the implementation of the plan they have adopted by producing an annual monitoring report (AMR) which is submitted to the Welsh Government.

This report was submitted to the Welsh Government in October 2019.

Annual Monitoring Report 1 [4MB PDF]

This report was submitted to the Welsh Government in October 2021.

Annual Monitoring Report 2 [3MB PDF]

This report was submitted to the Welsh Government in October 2021.

Annual Monitoring Report 3 [4MB PDF]

This report was submitted to the Welsh Government in October 2022.

Annual Monitoring Report 4