Isle of Anglesey County Council

Additional planning controls in conservation areas

We ensure that only suitable and beneficial changes occur in a conservation areas.

Planning controls

  • you may require planning permission if you alter the boundaries of a property within a conservation area
  • you may need conservation area consent for demolition or alteration that affects the character
  • you may need consent to prune or fell trees

In Anglesey, there is one conservation area in Beaumaris that is so important that it is subject to additional planning controls called an Article 4 (2) Direction.

This means that planning permission is required for new developments in that area. This includes:

  • extending the house
  • building structures or laying hard surfaces within its curtilage
  • changing building materials such as external frames, doors and render
  • any other alterations to windows and external doors
  • any alterations to its roof including rooflights
  • erection, alteration or removal of a chimney on the house
  • installing a satellite dish
  • erection, demolition or changes to a gate, fence, wall or other enclosure within its curtilage

New developments

New development should ‘preserve or enhance’ the existing character or appearance of the conservation area and be sympathetic to the special architectural and aesthetic qualities of the area, particularly in terms of scale, design, materials and space between buildings.

Consider the following:

  • siting and massing
  • development type
  • roof shape and rainwater goods
  • windows, doors and porches
  • building materials
  • shop fronts and signage

Also, the materials used for repair work need careful consideration because some modern building materials are generally unacceptable on historic buildings.

Get in touch with us if you need help selecting the right materials, tel: 01248 750057.