Isle of Anglesey County Council

Pass Plus Cymru

  • passed your driving test?
  • aged between 17 and 25?
  • living on Anglesey? 

Discover more driving techniques, hints and tips for just £20 … and there’s no test!

Here’s how it works

There are two parts.

  1. attend an online driving workshop
  2. a day’s driving

The day's driving will focus on the following.

  • heading off on the motorway
  • driving techniques and hazard awareness
  • getting around at night
  • coping with busy towns and cities
  • driving on rural country roads
  • thinking ahead – just like you’re doing now 

What do you get from it? 

  • better driving skills
  • more chance of lower insurance
  • less chance of a collision or injuring yourself, friends and others 

You can book by emailing