Isle of Anglesey County Council

Active travel

Active Travel logo

What is active travel?

Active travel is a key priority in the Llwybr Newydd: Welsh Transport Strategy.

Active travel means walking and cycling (including electric wheelchairs and mobility scooters) for everyday short distance journeys, such as to school, work or for access to shops, services and bus/rail stations.

Active travel does not include journeys made purely for recreation or social journeys.

Why active travel?

In September 2014, the Welsh Government introduced the Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013 , which makes it a legal requirement for local authorities in Wales to map and plan for suitable routes for active travel within the chosen settlements, as specified by criteria set by the Welsh Government (which included settlements with population greater than 2000).

The act sets out a clear ambition to improve walking and cycling routes to help us meet our environmental and health objectives. The project is also a part of a nationwide initiative in Wales.

Active travel network map (ATNM)

It is a legal requirement in Wales to produce an active travel network map (ATNM) to show where the walking and cycling routes that already exist (existing routes) and where upgraded or brand new routes are anticipated for the next 15 years (future routes).

Isle of Anglesey County Council held three consultations during 2021 from everyone across society, on what prevented people from walking and cycling on day to day journeys.

Our ATNM was approved by the Welsh Government on 3 August 2022 which sets out the aspirations the authority has in place for improving local active travel routes at eight settlements on the island.

  • Llangefni
  • Llanfairpwll
  • Valley
  • Benllech
  • Menai Bridge
  • Amlwch
  • Holyhead
  • Gaerwen

The ATNM is our blueprint for walking and cycling. It shows you where walking and cycling routes already exist, but also where upgrades or brand new routes are identified for potential development.

Go to the Active Travel Map information for Anglesey

Active travel funding

Funding for active travel improvements are secured through the Active Travel Fund.

Next steps

Isle of Anglesey County Council will make minor works to the active travel network, as well as further pre scheme development focusing on the 8 settlements chosen for active travel improvements for 2023 to 2024.

More information

For more information or any general queries please contact the Sustainable Transport Team.

Telephone: 01248 751 805
