Isle of Anglesey County Council

Mutual exchange for social housing tenants

The scheme

A mutual exchange is a way for social housing tenants to move by swapping homes with another social housing contract holder. 

You can swap homes with any social housing or housing association contract holder in the UK as long as you and they have the right to mutual exchange and both parties want to swap.

You can either home swap with one tenant, or you can try and find a multi-way house exchange.

No limit to the chain (multi-home swaps)

There is no limit to how many people you can have in your home swap chain. However, the more people in the home swap, the more complicated it can get. There is the chance that someone in the chain could change their mind.

Multi-way swaps are becoming popular because they give you more ways of getting into the property you want.

Find someone to swap homes with

Speak to friends and family

One of the most popular ways to find a swap locally can be word of mouth. Speak to your friends and family - they may know someone who’s looking to swap.

Use the HomeSwapper website

A great way of finding a match is by advertising your property on a dedicated swapping website.

Isle of Anglesey County Council and partner landlords are signed up to HomeSwapper.

Using HomeSwapper means you can advertise your home for a swap totally free of charge.

Register your home with HomeSwapper

Adverts with pictures get more views

Make sure you include as many pictures of your home as possible to boost your chances of success.

After you find someone to swap homes with

You will need to contact your landllord once you have found someone to swap homes with.

Social housing landlords

Isle of Anglesey Council

Telephone: 01248 752 200


Grŵp Cynefin

Telephone: 0300 111 2122


Clwyd Alyn

Telephone: 0800 183 5757


North Wales Housing

Telephone: 01492 572 727
