Isle of Anglesey County Council

Unwelcome telephone calls

Scam calls are a common method criminals use to try to gain people’s personal and financial information.

The calls can be very intimidating and the criminals can apply a lot of pressure, but it’s important to remember that if you’re not comfortable with the call, it’s ok to hang up.

There are several options you can look to help stop the criminals getting in contact with you.

Purchasing a call blocking unit

These are units that can connect to your landline and block scam and nuisance calls.

Many landline providers now offer options for preventing nuisance calls which are free to their customers. For more information on these, contact your landline provider or visit their website.

Sign up to the Telephone Preference Service (TPS)

Although the TPS does not stop scam calls, it will reduce the amount of unwanted sales and marketing calls received.

The TPS is a free service. For more information and to register, visit: or call 0345 070 0707.

trueCall call blocker

  • Specially designed to protect the landlines of older and vulnerable people.
  • Trusted callers get straight through, but everyone else is intercepted.
  • Intercepted callers are asked to press a key or enter a code to get through.
  • In trials by trading standards trueCall blocked 95%+ of unwanted calls.
  • Option to be managed online (ongoing annual charge applies after first year)

This costs £109.99 but Isle of Anglesey Residents can get 20% off making them only £87.99

Call 0800 0 336 339 and use code TX22 for a 20% discount.

CPR call blockers

  • Block unwanted calls by pressing button on machine - they won’t get through again.
  • Ability to block all masked calls (unavailable or international, for example)
  • Block up to 1500 numbers
  • 5000 numbers identified as harmful already pre-registered in the blocker

This costs £69.99 but Isle of Anglesey residents can get 20% off making them only £55.99

Use Code TSI or call a representative on 0800 040 8010 to order.

For advice on scams call Citizen Advice consumer Helpline on 0808 223 1133

To report scams contact Action Fraud 0300 123 2040