Isle of Anglesey County Council

Report a consumer issue

We aim to provide an impartial, professional, and confidential service to residents of the Isle of Anglesey on consumer matters.

First line consumer advice is provided by the Citizen’s Advice consumer service on 0808 223 1133 (Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm) or by visiting

When we can help you

  • we will signpost those seeking advice on consumer matters to the Citizen’s Advice consumer service
  • we will visit consumers at their home when appropriate
  • we will negotiate in disputes between consumers identified as vulnerable and business in an unbiased and fair manner
  • we will identify any unfair or illegal trading practices and refer them to the enforcement section for investigation
  • we will educate consumers and businesses as to their rights and obligations under consumer civil law

When we cannot help you

  • we can only advise and assist those in civil consumer disputes if the individual(s) are identified as vulnerable
  • we can advise and assist in the preparation of a civil claim for vulnerable consumers only but we cannot take the court action on a person’s behalf
  • we cannot intervene or negotiate a settlement in trader/trader disputes but can signpost traders seeking advice on consumer matters to the Citizen’s Advice consumer service.
  • we are not in a position to offer judgement on a particular company’s trading practices unless that information is already in the public domain

Our service standards

  • we will respond to all written complaints within 3 working days.
  • we will respond to all email complaints within 1 working day.
  • we will respond to all social media complaints within 1 working day.
  • we will endeavour to complete at least 75% of complaints within 3 months of being received and update complainants on ongoing matters every 21 days.

How to contact us

You can contact us by phone, online form, in writing or in person.