Isle of Anglesey County Council

North Wales Safeguarding Board

North Wales Safeguarding Board (NWSB) is a statutory body which co-ordinates, monitors and challenges its partner agencies in Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk in North Wales. Safeguarding boards have a unique role to play.

North Wales Safeguarding Board sees its function as to make 'Safeguarding everybody’s business'.

What is the purpose of North Wales Safeguarding Board?

The board

  • oversees the overall effectiveness of its member agencies
  • forms an independent view of regional safeguarding work and challenges where necessary 

Who are the members?

Multi-Agency Partnership with

  • statutory agencies, such as Police, Local Authority, Health, Probation Service
  • other agencies, such as Education, Housing, National Safeguarding Team (Public Health Wales),  Youth Offending Service, WAST, Fire and Rescue, Third Sector, Care Providers, Legal 

What does the Board do?

The board

  • contributes to the work of developing national and regional policies and procedures
  • review efficiency of measures taken by Safeguarding Board partners and bodies represented on the Board
  • raises awareness of safeguarding matters
  • undertakes Child and Adult Practice Reviews, reviews, audits, investigations to ensure that agencies learn from practice
  • review performance of the Board and its partners represented on the Board in carrying out its objectives
  • disseminate information about best practice and learning from reviews
  • facilitates research into protection and prevention of abuse and neglect of children and adults who are at risk of harm
  • reviews the training needs of those practitioners working in the area of the Board and to identify training activities and ensure training is provided on an inter-agency basis and individual organisational basis to assist in the protection and prevention of abuse and neglect of children
  • co-operates or acts jointly with another one or more Boards