Isle of Anglesey County Council

Direct payments

Do you want to be in charge of your own life and in control of your own care package?

Would you like to choose who delivers your care and support at a time that is convenient for you?

If you’ve answered yes to these questions, direct payments could be the answer for you.

‘Your life in your hands’.

When it comes to deciding which care package is best for you, the direct payment option allows you to tailor your care and support package around your everyday life.

If you are eligible for support to meet your care needs, Isle of Anglesey County Council can give you the money instead of a service.

Having a direct payment is a personal decision that will hopefully enable you to achieve a better quality of life.

Our support service are committed to providing people such as yourself with all of the information that you require.

The main aim of a direct payment is to promote your own voice, choice and control by empowering you to be independent.

The benefits of choosing a direct payment are:

  • You get to choose who delivers your care and support.
  • You choose when your care is delivered to suit your everyday life.
  • Direct payments is flexible to meet your individual requirements.

Our direct payments team are committed to providing all the information required to support you to start your direct payments journey.

Direct payments are suitable for a wide range of people who have been assessed as eligible for social care services, including:

  • adults of any age with an eligible care and support need
  • carers aged 16 or over who need support
  • people with parental responsibility for a disabled child

To be eligible for direct payments you will need to be assessed to see what hekp you need.

A further financial assessment will be carried out if you are over 18 to assess any contribution towards your care and support package.

When you receive a direct payment, you either need to set up a new bank account that is only used for direct payment-related costs or enrol on to a managed account.

A managed direct payment account can be helpful to some people, for example if:

  • you simply do not have the time to manage the financial side of your direct payments
  • you would rather that one of our approved providers takes the funding responsibility

As always, we are always happy to help with any queries if you want any further information based on this, then you are more than welcome to contact a direct payment officer on (01248) 752 752.

A personal assistant is a person that can be employed using a direct payment to help fulfil your care and well-being needs. A personal assistants role can vary depending on the needs.

Role of a personal assistant

  • Promote Independence.
  • Supporting individuals with personal care and support.
  • Supporting individuals to access the community.

It is possible for you to employ a member of your family, or a friend as a personal assistant, as long as the personal assistant lives in a different household. All personal assistants will be supported to:

  • take part in mandatory training
  • have a current and transferable DBS

Become a personal assistant

Please keep a look out on some direct payments posts which are advertised on the council's website and social platforms.

Employing your own personal assistants

You may decide that the best option for you is to go ahead with employing your own personal assistant using your direct payments.

Our support service will guide you with:

  • recruitment
  • training and DBS
  • insurance
  • managing employees
  • providing document templates
  • health and safety

If you do require support, our team can support you with any of the above.

If you have any further enquiries about the scheme you can contact us through several different methods, as listed below:


01248 751 935



Adult Social Services
Isle of Anglesey County Council
Council Offices
LL77 7TW

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