Isle of Anglesey County Council

Learning disabilities

Services are available for people with learning disabilities and their carers on Anglesey.

How are services accessed?

Isle of Anglesey Social Services has a duty under the ‘Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970’ to keep a register of people who have a learning disability on Anglesey.

The definition of learning disability adopted within Anglesey Môn Learning Disabilities Services is that used in ‘Health of a Nation: A Strategy for People with Learning Disabilities (1995).’

  • reduced ability to understand new or complex information, to learn new skills (impaired intelligence) and
  • reduced ability to cope independently (impaired social functioning) and
  • which started before adulthood, with a lasting effect on development

To access services people will need to be assessed against these criteria and their names recorded on the Ynys Môn Learning Disabilities Register.

A multidisciplinary assessment will be undertaken which includes:

  • a social assessment of a person’s needs in relation to maintaining an adequate standard of independent living in the community
  • a nursing adaptive behaviour / skills assessment
  • a psychology assessment of cognitive abilities

What happens next?

Once you are accepted on the Learning Disability Register a social care assessment will be carried out under eligibility criteria for Adult Community Care Services.

A care co-ordinator may then be allocated to:

  • co-ordinate an assessment of the individual and his/her family’s needs
  • develop a care plan
  • implement, monitor and adjust the plan as necessary
  • formally review the plan at least once every year

The level of service provided will be determined by the complexity of need, the need for a multidisciplinary response, and the capacity of the service user and / or carer to manage the identified need. The Learning Disability Team has a number of specialists that can advise and provide these services including:

  • social work case managers
  • health case manager
  • community nurses
  • review and resource co-ordinator
  • occupational therapist
  • speech therapist
  • physiotherapist
  • psychologist

What services are available?

As well as the specific services provided by specialists within the team, people can be helped to access the following services:

  • education / training
  • supported employment in the community
  • day occupational activities
  • supported accommodation
  • respite care
  • home care
  • direct payment
  • advocacy

Carers are also entitled to receive support

A carer is a person who looks after a relative or friend who has a learning disability, and subsequently, may need assistance.

Carers play a crucial role and you have the right to:

  • an assessment of your own needs as a Carer (a Carer’s Assessment)
  • information and advice on what services may be available to you and the person you care for
  • help and support to assist you in your caring role
  • have your views heard and taken into consideration