This is a very important decision in your life. The assistance of a social worker can help you think this through. Obtaining help to move into a residential or nursing home is dependent on an assessment of your needs, either when you are in hospital or living at home in the community.
In order to obtain an assessment of your needs, you can request this through the ward staff when you are in hospital or you can contact the Social Services Department directly. Please see the contact details on the right.
You can also do this online.
Different types of residential homes are available if you decide to move from your own home. A social worker will have a relevant list and brochures, and can help you make an informed choice.
A list of homes in your area is also available on the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) website or can be downloaded as a PDF document below.
If you require nursing care, an admission to a nursing home can be arranged by a social worker, following an assessment and consultation with the Health Board’s representatives. The Health Board is responsible for paying the nursing care element of the weekly fee in a nursing home for all residents. The Social Worker can advise you on how to obtain this element of financial support towards the weekly fee.
All care homes must be registered with Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales.
If a residential placement is considered to be necessary, usually a period of assessment will be arranged. This is known as “Intermediate Care”. It is advisable not to give up your tenancy or to arrange for your house to be sold until you are happy with your decision to move. If you are worried about this your social worker will discuss it with you.