Isle of Anglesey County Council

Town centres consultation

Funded by UK government logoTransforming Towns logo

This consultation ended 28 November 2024

Original information

The Lle Da programme aligns with the strategy for improving Anglesey’s town centres, approved by the council’s Cabinet in September 2023.

Additionally, it complements the ongoing efforts of the Welsh Government’s Transforming Towns Programme, further reinforcing regeneration efforts across the island.

Your feedback matters

Your feedback as a resident or town centre business owner will inform the baseline document as well as future placemaking plans.

The qestionnaires are quick and easy to complete and should not take longer than 5 minutes.

Your views, experiences and insights will prove invaluable to us. The Regeneration function of the Council continues to drive prosperity for Anglesey’s towns.

The more residents and businesses we hear from, the better.

Resident questionnaire

As part of our town centres survey, we have an online questionnaire for residents. 

If you are also a business owner in Anglesey, please complete the business questionnaire too.

Go to the resident questionnaire - link opens a new tab - link opens a new tab

Business questionnaire

As part of our town centres survey, we have an online questionnaire for business owners. 

If you are also an Anglesey resident, please complete the questionnaire fo residents too.

Go to the business questionnaire - link opens a new tab - link opens a new tab

Closing date

The consultation closes on 28 November 2024.

Paper copies

Paper copies of the questionnaires are available at:

  • Holyhead Library, Market Hall, Stanley St, Holyhead LL65 1HH
  • Llangefni Library, Mill Street, Llangefni, LL77 7RT
  • Amlwch Library, Parys Road, Amlwch, LL68 9AB
  • Menai Bridge Library, Wood Street, Menai Bridge, LL59 5AS
  • Beaumaris Library, Grammar School Lane, Beaumaris, LL58 8AL
  • Anglesey Business Centre, Llangefni, LL77 7XA
  • Isle of Anglesey Council Offices, Llangefni, LL77 7TW 

Check the opening times for your local library.

Your data and privacy

The survey is run by Isle of Anglesey County Council. We take your privacy seriously, and any information that could identify you will be kept securely.

You have a right to know about the way information about you is used by us.

Further questions

Feel free to reach out to us at if you want help or have questions about the survey.