Isle of Anglesey County Council

Anglesey priorities: your views

This consultation ended 18 March 2022

Original consultation


As a county council, Anglesey wants to be the best we can be, now and for future generations.

As we set our plans for the future, we want to understand what is important to you and ensure you have a voice in shaping the council's priorities, with an appreciation that statutory services have to be prioritised.

We started 2022 by asking for you to comment on our budget proposals. We thank you for taking the time to voice your priorities and share your valued opinions.

Over the next few weeks, we would like to hear from you in response to a wider engagement activity that is being undertaken in partnership with Medrwn Môn, Age Cymru and Flying Start. We will be engaging with our residents to understand more about your concerns, priorities and ambitions for Anglesey. Your views are very important to us as part of this process.  

Following the process, your responses will be used to help inform and influence a new council plan for the next 5 years.

Have your say

This questionnaire should not take more than 10 minutes to complete and is completely anonymous.

Your responses may be published and shared with the third party organisations listed above. Please do not include any information that could identify you.

We have included a short optional equality monitoring form at the end for you to complete if you wish.

Closing date: 18 March 2022