Isle of Anglesey County Council

Amlwch active travel consultation

This consultation ended 8 May 2024

Original consultation


The purpose of this consultation is to seek your views on the proposed active travel (walking and cycling) scheme in Amlwch.


Isle of Anglesey County Council has undertaken activities in alignment with the Welsh Transport Appraisal Guidance (WelTAG) which included stakeholder engagement to understand the existing barriers and constraints to walking and cycling in the town and to identify key corridors for improvement.

We are now undertaking the next phase of the pre-scheme development activities which aims to identify the preferred active travel infrastructure improvements along each corridor. 

The aim of the overall scheme is to promote and prioritise active travel journeys between key destination and communities in Amlwch.

This consultation builds on previous the previous WelTAG studies undertaken where routes have been identified which connect the key community facilities including (but not limited to):

  • Syr Thomas Jones Secondary School
  • Amlwch Leisure Centre
  • Amlwch Business Park
  • Amlwch Port
  • the town centre

This scheme would significantly improve the provision of active travel infrastructure totalling 2.8km of routes within Amlwch. 

As part of the Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013 it is a requirement for all councils in Wales to map and plan suitable routes for active travel.

Have your say

You can share your thoughts on the proposed Amlwch scheme by completing a short online survey.

The consultation will be open for a period of 6 weeks until 8 May 2024.

Go to the online survey for the Amlwch active travel consultation

What happens next

We will collect all your responses from the survey.

Your responses will be used to inform and influence the final design of the proposed Amlwch scheme.

For those unable to access our online engagement material, printed copies of the survey can be arranged.

Further information

Telephone: 01248 752 300
