Isle of Anglesey County Council

Active Travel Network Map Consultation - stage two

This consultation has ended

Original consultation

Thank you for helping us to identify barriers and improvements to Active Travel walking and cycling routes as part of the initial consultation.

The second stage of the consultation process for the Isle of Anglesey’s Active Travel Network Map Review is now open. 

Active Travel Network Map Review

The Draft Active Travel Network Map (ATNM)

The Isle of Anglesey County Council are now consulting on the draft Active Travel Network Map (ATNM) and inviting you to take a look at our proposals and tell us what you think. 

Existing routes

The map within the above link shows the existing walking and cycling routes already on the ground, shown in solid lines. You can leave a comment if there is something missing – perhaps you know of a useful footpath connecting two residential streets to a school which hasn’t been included on the map, or if you have an idea of how the route could be improved further. Drop a pin and tell us about it.

Future routes

The main focus of this second stage of the consultation is to share plans for future routes in the Active Travel Network.

Future routes are shown on the map as dashed lines - blue for cycling, amber for walking, and green for combined walking/cycling routes (shared-use).

These proposed future routes are based on our existing plans and the ideas that you submitted earlier in the year during the initial consultation. Please bear in mind that plotting the routes onto the Active Travel Network Map is the first step in the process and that we may not be able to delivery every route on the map as it can take a number of years to develop and implement future routes (and is based on securing external funding).

The wider picture

This project is part of a nation-wide initiative in Wales. Every three years Welsh local authorities involve local people when updating our active travel network plans.

Wales is unique in having legislation which requires councils to do this - The Active Travel (Wales) Act - sets out a clear ambition to put walking and cycling centre-stage for local journeys.

The Active Travel Network Map is a legal requirement in Wales and the Isle of Anglesey County Council will be submitting it to Welsh Government late in 2021 for approval.

Once approved we are able to apply for funding from the Welsh Government each year to implement the proposals on the map.

If routes are not included on the map they aren't eligible for funding, therefore, so it is important as many people as possible tell us what matters to them.

What we would like you to do

Please tell us if you agree with our proposed walking and cycling routes, and if they will be of benefit to you.

If they will not, tell us what other improvements are needed. You can do this by selecting ‘view map and comment’ and dropping a pin on the map in the location, or on the route you wish to comment about.

You can share your thoughts on active travel infrastructure in your local area by using our easy online mapping tool. Simply click on the map to leave a comment.    

What next?

We will collect all of your comments from our online mapping tool. 

Using these comments, we will plot a refined Active Travel Network Map which will then go into the third and final phase of consultation. This is the statutory phase of the consultation which will take place towards the end of the year. Subsequently, the IACC will submit its Active Travel Network Map for the Welsh Government’s consideration and approval by 31 December 2021. 

Spread the word 

To achieve an Active Travel Network Map that will contribute to the wider social, environmental, economic and cultural well-being of people on Anglesey we are eager to gain the viewpoints from everyone across society.  Please do circulate this information with your friends, family, colleagues and communities.   

For those unable to access our on-line engagement material, printed copies of the network map and survey can be arranged.

Please contact Dylan Llewelyn Jones for further information on 01248 751805 or email 

Further information 

What is Active Travel?

'Active travel'means walking and cycling for the purpose of making journeys. An 'active travel journey' means any purposeful journey to a destination.

The definition includes travel to work, travel to school and other educational facilities, travel to the shops, travel to leisure facilities, travel to public transport interchanges and so on. The definition of Active Travel Routes excludes routes that are for purely recreational use (for example, routes intended as mountain bike trails or off-road circuits) as well as routes that do not connect facilities and services to each other or with residential areas.

Although, in practice, the best active travel routes will be widely used for recreation. For more information on Active Travel please see revised draft of the Welsh Government Active Travel Guidance (February 2020). 

Isle of Anglesey Active travel areas

Following the first round of consultation in 2016, and approval by Welsh Government in 2018, the Isle of Anglesey has 7 Active Travel settlements which include

  • Amlwch
  • Benllech
  • Holyhead
  • Llanfairpwll
  • Llangefni
  • Menai Bridge
  • Valley

Local authorities must ensure that they are meeting the duties specified within their designated localities.

However, if the local authority’s assessment of demand for active travel journeys indicates that a route to places outside of designated localities will attract users, the routes can be included in the authority’s Active Travel Network Map and assessed for prioritisation.