Isle of Anglesey County Council

Annual canvass

In order for the electoral register to be updated and checked we carry out the annual canvass which is a voter registration campaign.

We write out to every property in Anglesey asking you to confirm whether the details that we hold for your property on the electoral register are correct. We then publish a new electoral register on the 1 December of every year.

It is important that you read the form carefully and check that everyone that is living in your property (that is eligible to vote) is listed.

You need to contact us to let us know if there is information missing.

The law and how we carry out the annual canvass has changed. Unlike in the past, the electors we already have on our register will be compared against the data held by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). This will help us find the properties where residents may have changed. This information will also help us to decide what correspondence will be sent to the property.

Detailed information on the changes can be found in The Representation of the People (Annual Canvass) Amendment Regulations 2019.

16 and 17 year olds will be able to vote at the Senedd Elections and Local Government Elections. This means that we now have to register 14 and 15 year olds. If you have anyone living at your property that is aged 14 or older, they can now be added to the electoral register so that when they turn 16 they are able to vote at these elections.

All foreign nationals (that are living in Wales legally) are now also able to vote in the Senedd Elections and Local Government Election. Previously, it has only been British, Irish, Commonwealth and EU citizens. This means if you are from a country other than these you can now vote at these elections.

Detailed information on the changes can be found in the Senedd and Elections (Wales) Act 2020.

Every household within Anglesey will be contacted. This may be by sending the property a paper form or by contacting individuals using email, text or by a telephone call. If we do not receive a response when we legally need one, we have try and make contact again. This may be using a different message to the first one.

It is important that you read the communication sent by us carefully (whether that is a letter, a form or an email). You need to follow the instructions to make sure that everyone that is living in your property (that is allowed to vote) is registered. If there is information missing then you need to contact us to let us know. If there are any 14 to 17 year olds or other foreign nationals living at your property that are not listed then we need to have their details too. We would appreciate a quick response so that a reminder is not sent out.

Please make every effort to complete this form as soon as possible to minimise costs.

There are different ways of confirming or updating the information on the Annual Enquiry Form.

*You will need the security code (2 parts) either printed at the bottom of page 1 or the top of page 2.*

  • Step 1 – Log on to
  • Step 2 - Enter your unique security code (2 parts) and postcode.
  • Step 3 – Read the information on the screen and follow the instructions.
  • Step 4 – Continue through the process until it asks you to confirm and finish.

This method can only be used to confirm details are correct.

*You will need the security code (2 parts) either printed at the bottom of page 1 or the top of page 2.*

  • Step 1 – Call 08082 841445
  • Step 2 – Key in your unique security code
  • Step 3 – Follow the instructions over the phone

This can only be used to confirm details are correct

* You will need the security code (2 parts) either printed at the bottom of page 1 or the top of page 2.*

  • Step 1 – Text 07786 209345 followed by your 2 security codes separated by a space

Once you have completed this process, the Electoral Registration Officer will receive this information. If further action is required, then the Electoral Registration Officer will write to you.

Once we have processed the information we will check it against the electoral register. If there are any additions, deletions or amendments this will be updated on the electoral register.

If you have added someone to the property then we will send them an Invitation to Register form in the post which asks them to provide further information, such as date of birth and national insurance number. This is so that we can confirm their identity.

If you tell us someone has moved away, we will send each individual a further letter so that we have confirmation that they have moved away. This is because we’re required to have two pieces of evidence to remove someone from the electoral register.

If you do not respond to the Annual Enquiry Form, then a canvasser (an officer from the council) may call at your property to confirm with you in person or you may get a phone call from our office.