Isle of Anglesey County Council

Scrutiny Outcome Panels

Each scrutiny committee has the ability to establish a Scrutiny Outcome Panel (normally made up of no more than five scrutiny members) to carry out an in-depth review into an identified subject of significant concern to members, officers, the authority or members of the public.

Once information has been collected the Scrutiny Outcome Panel will consider all it has learned and analyse it to prepare a report, with recommendations, to present to the parent Scrutiny Committee for approval to enable it to submit the report to the Executive.

To ensure that conducting the review is viewed positively, and to ensure that the scrutiny function remains effective, the parent Scrutiny committee will monitor the implementation of the review recommendations. Where members are not satisfied with progress made, or the actions taken following the review, the parent Scrutiny Committee may decide that further scrutiny should be undertaken.

It is important not to forget that the purpose of carrying out a scrutiny review is to add value and to bring about some tangible improvements for the citizens of the Isle of Anglesey.