Isle of Anglesey County Council


The Partnership Board – ‘Partneriaeth Ynys Cybi’ is representative of the local area, compromising of community, business, development and regulatory stakeholders. In addition over 40 stakeholders are involved in the scheme’s six working groups. The partnership brings these different stakeholders together, sharing best practice and learning, and providing the wide range of skills and expertise required to deliver a common scheme to benefit the whole of Holy Island.

There is a strong emphasis on local perceptions of the landscape, and the priorities of local communities. There is a focus on the cultural aspects of the landscape, its role in promoting quality of life and social wellbeing, and its role as an economic resource. There is also a drive to improve the understanding of the landscape’s characteristics and benefits amongst the local community. To make the island’s special heritage relevant to everyday life.

The Landscape Partnership scheme will run from 2021 to 2025 and we are already planning beyond this to ensure the long term legacy of the scheme can be realised in what is an increasingly uncertain economic and political climate. The scheme has been developed within the existing regional regulatory frameworks, and aligned with long term regional and national priorities to put us in a strong position to be able to further develop these initial projects in the future, and build on the strong foundations laid over these four years.

Introducing the vision and strategic aims

The ‘Ynys Cybi: Ynys i’w Thrysori – Our Island Gem,’ is a programme of projects and activities designed to bring around some of the changes necessary to achieve our long term vision for the island:

Our vision

“A vibrant island community, fully aware of the role that the distinctive landscape of Holy Island plays in supporting local jobs and recreational activities, and enhancing our general health and wellbeing.

“Local people working together to protect and manage our island’s rich heritage, supporting a thriving community and giving visitors a special welcome for generations to come.”

The strategic aims

The partners have identified four strategic aims (SA) that we will strive towards in order to realise the vision. All the scheme’s activities will be geared towards:

  • SA1: To manage and enhance key features of the island’s natural heritage
  • SA2: To conserve and manage key features of the island’s character, appearance and built heritage
  • SA3: To increase local understanding and pride in Holy Island’s unique heritage, and develop the capacity to manage it sustainably
  • SA4: To develop and promote Holy Island as an iconic international visitor gateway to Wales