Isle of Anglesey County Council

Public registers

We provide a list of the public registers that are avilable for inspection.

All the offices mentioned in the below are located at the main council offices in Llangefni, LL77 7TW and the Public Registers are available to be viewed during the following times: Monday – Friday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

List of Isle of Anglesey Public Registers for the purposes of the EU Services Directive
Licence or RegistrationPublic RegisterAvailability
Camp sites Yes Environmental Health Office
Performing animals registration Yes Environmental Health Office
Premises for civil ceremonies/marriage Yes Registrars Office
Skip operator Yes Highways Service
Skip Yes Highways Service
Animal boarding establishment Yes Environmental Health Office
Approved premises (for food) Yes Environmental Health Office
Caravan and camping site Yes Environmental Health Office
Club licensing Yes Trading Standards Office
Cooling tower Yes Environmental Health Office
Food premises notification Yes Environmental Health Office
House in multiple occupancy Yes Environmental Health Office
House to house collection Yes Trading Standards Office
Motor salvage operator Yes Trading Standards Office
Pet shop Yes Environmental Health Office
Premises licence Yes Trading Standards Office
Riding establishment Yes Environmental Health Office
Scrap metal dealer Yes Trading Standards Office
Sex shop and cinema Yes Environmental Health Office
Street collection Yes Trading Standards Office
Tattooists, piercing and electrolysis (incl. acupuncture) Yes Environmental Health Office
Alcohol and Entertainment Temporary event notice Yes Trading Standards Office
Zoo licence Yes Environmental Health Office