Isle of Anglesey County Council

UK Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF): Isle of Anglesey

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The UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) is part of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and will provide a total of £16.1 million of funding for local investment by March 2025 on Anglesey. 

Isle of Anglesey County Council, with the help of local partners, selected 25 projects from across Anglesey to receive funding from Anglesey’s allocation of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

There will be 15 projects operating in Anglesey alone, and 10 projects operating regionally, or in more than one local authority. 

Details of each project under the UKSPF's investment priorities

Improving Anglesey resident financial resilience and wellbeing economy

Lead organisation: Isle of Anglesey County Council


This project, in partnership with Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) Ynys Môn aims to improve the financial resilience of households on Anglesey. Support will be delivered through utilising existing community spaces. This will include one to one bespoke support for residents in difficulties.

The project will allow the welfare rights, financial inclusion team and CAB Ynys Môn to operate on a preventative and early intervention basis, ensuring frequent follow up and intense support is provided for households facing poverty & deprivation, in order to meet both immediate hardship and improve financial resilience longer term.

CCTV project (3 areas) – Gwynedd and Anglesey Community Safety Partnership

Lead organisation: Isle of Anglesey County Council (through the Gwynedd and Anglesey Community Safety Partnership)

The installation of CCTV in 3 areas on Anglesey, namely Llangefni, Amlwch and Holyhead. The project will also include work on selected lighting columns.

The aim is to make people feel safe in the community, and to target places that are more susceptible to anti-social behaviour.

Balchder Bro Môn

Lead organisation: Menter Môn

Contact: Elen Hughes  

The project aims to deliver activities, events and improvements and interventions across Ynys Môn, responding and realising the priorities identified by both the communities themselves as well as strategical priorities identified by the Local Authority and other active organisations.

The main aims are to:

  • stimulate local pride
  • improve health and wellbeing
  • empower resilient communities

The project will add value to local identity and natural resources by introducing interventions in linguistic, tourism, environment, and heritage and supporting arts and environmental events. Strengthen and develop assets and amenities by collaborating with partners to strengthen community hubs, increasing accessibility, and develop local service realisation models.

Support community schemes that will contribute to the net zero agenda and weave the ambition of an 'Energy Island' with community schemes and benefits. Encourage local ownership and strengthen people's relationships with their local environment by delivering health benefits to the community as well as conservation benefits to the environment and the conservation of native habitats and species.

Connecting People, Nature and Place

Lead organisation: Coed Lleol – Small Woods

Contact: Kate Clements 

This project will improve skills, community resilience and wellbeing for those furthest from the employment market (including those over 50, facing complex barriers, with health and wellbeing needs), by establishing and developing accessible outdoor sites, increasing learning activities and skills, improving woodlands and knowledge of the local environment on Anglesey.

The project will provide learning and nature-based programmes to improve confidence; create networks for training, volunteering, and progression; provide courses to inspire people to move towards environmental ‘green’ careers; connect communities, restore and manage woodland nature sites and improve accessibility through infrastructure improvements.

Cyrchfan Werdd – Green Destination Programme

Lead organisation: Isle of Anglesey County Council

Contact: Wiliam Stockwell

The Project will deliver environmental and visitor economy benefits in line with the aims and objectives of both the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plan and the Destination Management Plan.

The project objectives will directly deliver the 5 key guiding principles of the destination functions work. These being:

  • enhancing countryside and coastal character
  • tackling the Nature Crisis
  • the AONB as a Place for Enjoyment, Learning and Wellbeing
  • vibrant communities in a working landscape
  • managing the AONB in a changing climate

Creu Ynys Actif

Lead organisation: Isle of Anglesey County Council

Contact: Owain Jones 

This project is made up of three different elements:

  1. A grant for local sports clubs. Clubs will be able to apply for grants for the development of their club. Grants worth £5,000 to £30,000 will be considered.
  2. Môn Actif Projects such as:
    • Dementia Actif (Supporting our communities by creating experiences to allow individuals with dementia and their families be active)
    • Water safety (target year 5 and 6 children in primary schools on the island and will include practical and theoretical elements)
    • Young People Referral Scheme (opportunity to change the lives of our young people who are inactive or have health problems)
  3. Capital investment in the leisure centres.

Prosiect Pontio Cymunedau Môn

Lead organisation: Isle of Anglesey County Council

Contact: Lyndsey Campbell-Williams

This project, in partnership with Medrwn Môn aims to develop a resourceful and resilient island, where communities can engage and involve themselves in designing and delivering community focused solutions, based on real need. Working in partnership with Medrwn Môn to deliver on the over-arching resilience agenda.

  • The development and modernisation of existing community focused “hubs” and “safe spaces” for communities.
  • The creation of new community focused “hubs” and “safe spaces” for communities.
  • A feasibility study for the development of play provision and green spaces for children and young people.
  • Training and support – For community groups and organisations in skills that help them to build their resources and capacity to become more resilient, including bid writing and fundraising, volunteering, building capacity, engaging with communities, and managing projects.

Lle Da – Place Making Programme

Lead organisation: Isle of Anglesey County Council

Contact: Dewi Lloyd

A Place Making Programme for Anglesey’s town centres and larger villages which will:

  • deliver a Place-Making Programme for Anglesey's town centres and resort villages
  • support the development and delivery of Place-Making Plans for relevant town / large village centres
  • improve the urban-realm and facilities in our town centres and resort villages
  • help re-occupy empty premises and improve shop fronts
  • support relevant town / community councils to develop and deliver locally
  • support projects and activities that achieve the above
  • provide resources for marketing, promotion, events, visual enhancements

An active, happy and healthy North Wales 

Lead organisation: Gogledd Cymru Actif North Wales

Contact: Mike Pary 

A multi-authority scheme in Anglesey, Gwynedd, Denbighshire and Flint

Supporting people to be active on a regular basis. The project will develop and build capacity, skills, resilience, and confidence in the communities that need the support most and have most to gain from this bespoke support.

The work will be led by the communities and will focus on giving them the power to help develop long term and sustainable solutions to enable them to be active every day.

North Wales Growth Vision Opportunities – Anglesey contribution 

Lead organisation: Ambition North Wales

Contact: Nia Medi Williams

A multi-authority scheme delivering in Anglesey, Gwynedd, Conwy, Denbighshire and Flint.

The project aims to maximise the benefits and opportunities to residents, businesses, and communities across North Wales from investments aligned to the growth vision including the North Wales Growth Deal.

The project builds on the ESF funded Growth Vision Enabler project to establish a regional resource to deliver the Growth Vision for North Wales. Focusing on five key workstreams:

  • Regional collaboration
  • Skills
  • Digital
  • Energy and net zero
  • Benefits and social value

The project will deliver a range of activities and initiatives to ensure the opportunities of such initiatives are maximised and the benefits realised by communities across the region.

Caru Cymru

Lead organisation: Keep Wales Tidy (KWT)

Contact: Gruff Jones

A multi authority scheme delivering in Anglesey, Conwy, Flint and Wrexham.

KWT will deliver a range of tried and tested activities, many of which (such as volunteer litter picking) are already working well in partnership with the 4 councils:

  • Run and expand a network of community litter-picking hubs.
  • Support and expand the network of volunteer litter champions.
  • Support and expand the litter free zones scheme – ensuring more schools and businesses take responsibility for keeping their local area litter-free.
  • Establish and train new community groups to ‘adopt’ and maintain their local area, whilst continuing to support existing community groups.
  • Awareness-raising and behaviour change campaigns
  • Liaise with local authorities and community groups to identify suitable trials and campaigns to address local LEQ issues, such as dog fouling, fly tipping, tourist litter and so on.
  • Produce LEQ campaign toolkit and resources.
  • Provide advice and support to local authority on development of litter/fly tipping strategies.
  • Set up and support repair cafes, reuse/swap shops, waste amnesties, recycling pop-ups and other activities to tackle fly tipping, assist people on low incomes (through free redistribution of items) and reduce waste (circular economy principles)
  • Annual litter surveys to identify persistent problems and analysis to inform action.

Ynys Môn Green Digital Academy

Lead organisation: Grŵp Llandrillo Menai

Contact: Donna Hodgson

This project provides expert evaluation and mentoring support to businesses to improve their digital and net zero capabilities in line with their core business strategy, supporting businesses to accelerate efficiency, productivity, carbon reduction and to reduce costs. The project will:

  • undertake a diagnostic on the environmental and digital baseline of the business
  • deliver a bespoke roadmap for decarbonisation and digitalisation
  • mentor a businesses to deliver against those plans
  • identify funding to support capital investment, share best practice, and support related changes within operations and employee behaviour

Cefnogi Busnesau Môn 2

Lead organisation: Môn Communities Forward

Contact: Rhys Roberts ​

The project will provide one to one support from a named mentor, support with business planning and cash flow preparation, support with Unique Tax Reference number (UTR) application and small financial grants for both new and existing businesses.

Support could be any of the following, such as:

  • support to complete a business plan
  • support to complete a cashflow
  • support to write grant applications
  • training on entering self-employment
  • signposting to other more suitable alternatives
  • creation or renewing website / social media sites – improving online presence

Igniting Innovation

Lead organisation: Menai Science Park (T/A M-Sparc)

Contact: Pryderi ap Rhisiart 

Igniting Innovation will provide opportunities for businesses, communities, and people across Anglesey to level up. Creating new and high-level employment opportunities, support business growth, create innovative start-ups, and upskill local people in the digital and energy sectors.

The project will work with children aged 11 to 16 at risk of becoming NEET and their families learning life skills and gaining an awareness of the pathways into business.

Igniting Innovation will strengthen resilience; both resilience on a person level, creating well-rounded citizens with well-being at the forefront, and resilience on an economic level, ensuring a diverse and strong economy.

Specialist support for Social Enterprises in North Wales

Lead organisation: Cwmpas

Contact: Nicola Mehegan

A multi authority scheme delivering in Anglesey and Gwynedd.

Provision of specialist consultancy support and market development activity to enhance the delivery capacity of Social Business Wales (SBW) across Anglesey and Gwynedd.

Offering additional value to the Welsh Government funded social business support intervention (SBW) with specialised consultancy support (in areas such as human resources, tax, finance) and market development activity designed to support the sector to grow through networking, offering training and events on themes such as access to finance, digital, marketing and promoting local authority grant and support schemes.

Enterprise – Ynys Môn a Gwynedd

Lead organisation: Menter Môn Cyf

Contact: Sara Lois Roberts

A multi authority scheme delivering in Anglesey and Gwynedd.

This project will maintain and develop the Enterprise Hub (Hwb Menter) business support service, providing entrepreneurs with knowledge, advice, network, and space to develop their start-up ideas into a successful business.

The Enterprise Hub project will also deliver ‘SMART Gwynedd a Môn’ activities to promote the use of SMART activities in towns in the area.

Skills and Innovation Voucher Scheme (SIV)

Lead organisation: Bangor University

Contact: Bryn Jones

A multi authority scheme delivering in Anglesey, Gwynedd and Flint.

The Skills and Innovation Voucher (SIV) Scheme will support small and medium-sized business (SMEs) and graduate entrepreneurs to access Bangor University expertise, facilities, skills and talent relevant to their research and development (R&D), innovation and skills needs.

Vouchers can be used against the cost of consultants, specialist space or courses.

Môn Ymlaen 2

Lead organisation: Môn Communities Forward

Contact: Rhys Roberts

This project is an intense employment support service aiming to reduce unemployment and inactivity rates (and employability) across Anglesey, which will in turn assist local businesses to fill empty vacancies and upskill staff.

Using Mon CF’s strong links with local employers, and a tailored delivery programme of training and qualifications, to support those who are unemployed or economically inactive into work. This will include those who are already in employment but looking to improve their prospects.

The aim is to upskill participants with a tailored delivery programme of training and qualifications supporting those most in need and remove barriers where possible whilst also benefitting the employers by addressing their needs.

Anglesey Young People – 'succeeding together'

Lead organisation: Isle of Anglesey County Council

Contact: Ellen Rowlands 

The aim of this project is to support young people on Anglesey to reach their full potential, by improving skills, wellbeing and reducing the risk of them being NEET in the future. The project will address some of the gaps within the current provision through:

  • adding to the preventive work within schools and supporting those pupils who face additional obstacles in terms of transitioning to education, training, or work after leaving school

In order to achieve the aim, they would add value to the existing provision by introducing two core elements.

Provision of an alternative curriculum framework

  • A program of activities and support including specialist support in the field of emotional well-being, outdoor activities and a package of short and long-term courses that will lead to a level 1 or 2 qualification for pupils in year 9,10 and 11 with hard and soft outcomes. Hard outcomes will include full CQFW qualifications.
  • And the soft ones include improvements in attitude, behaviour, motivation, and engagement.

Extended work experience

  • Opportunities for learners to access opportunities in the local labour market - there will be a strong focus on work-related learning, taking advantage of opportunities with employers to offer work experience placements.

A Space for Life

Lead organisation: Isle of Anglesey County Council

Contact: Rachel Rowlands Llyfrgelloedd|

  • Renovating a current storage facility in Llangefni Library to create a welcoming space which can be used by the community and organisations as well as by the library service and its internal and external partners.
  • Pilot a comprehensive and varied programme of events and activities designed to introduce a variety of subjects to Anglesey’s residents. The activities will range from author visits promoting reading and writing for pleasure and wellbeing, to workshops introducing the creative and digital skills used in the publishing industry, all the way through to large performances and small-scale art and craft workshops.
  • Increase opportunities for individuals and small groups to gain access to digital support and help to resolve specific IT related issues which may not be covered with a formal course.

Supportive Steps

Lead organisation: Grŵp Llandrillo Menai

Contact: Phil Jones

A multi-authority scheme in Anglesey, Gwynedd and Conwy.

Supportive Steps will provide a bespoke package of mentoring support for participants aged 16 to 25 transitioning into further education and offering a wraparound wellbeing and mental health service which enhances their journey from college to employment.

Employer Skills North Wales

Lead organisation: Grŵp Llandrillo Menai

Contact: Geraint Jones

A multi authority scheme in Gwynedd, Môn and Conwy.

A project that will support employers to identify and meet training needs and skills gaps in their workforce.

This will allow their employees to develop additional skills which in turn will create growth and achieve the strategic objectives of the business.

Training will be offered in group and individual sessions in the workplace.

Tourism Talent Pathfinder

Lead organisation: Grŵp Llandrillo Menai

Contact: Claire Jones

A multi-authority scheme in Anglesey, Gwynedd, Conwy and Denbighshire.

The Tourism TALENT Network will deliver the necessary infrastructure to deliver training that underpins the strategic growth of the tourism and hospitality sectors in North Wales.

This pathfinder project aims to design and raise awareness of career opportunities in tourism and hospitality, in collaboration with regional skills partnerships (Careers Wales/Working Together), to promote the opportunities available and encourage people to train for the industry to meet rising demand.

Numeracy for Living

Lead organisation: Grŵp Llandrillo Menai

Contact: Sioned Williams

A multi authority scheme in Anglesey, Gwynedd, Conwy and Denbighshire.

This project will promote adult numeracy in a wide range of community and work-based locations to support the population of Anglesey to improve their numeracy skills in a context that they can relate to.

In addition to community provision that one-to-one provision and support is offered on a local level that will enable a blended approach to be adopted where individuals can access face to face drop-in sessions along with planned support and teaching sessions in various community locations across Anglesey.

The main beneficiaries of this project will be adults aged 19+ within Anglesey who have not previously attained L2 maths qualifications and that wish to improve their numeracy skills and those that wish to better understand how they can apply numeracy skills to their daily lives, such as saving money on energy using simple energy saving tips; making their money go further in terms of their weekly shop and preparing healthy food for less money.

Môn Multiply

Lead organisation: Môn Communities Forward

Contact: Rhys Roberts

The project consists of Môn CF running community courses across Anglesey with hidden numeracy skills embedded – most leading to a qualification and CAB running sessions improving numeracy sills and increased confidence to manage their money.

One aspect of the project is to place 8 apprentices with a trusted employer and signed up to an NVQ Level 2 where possible.