Isle of Anglesey County Council

Porth Amlwch Park: Pre application consultation (PAC)

This pre-application consultation complies with Schedule 1B: Publicity and Consultation before applying for Planning Permissions Notice Under Articles 2C and 2D- Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012.

Proposed development

Full application for the creation of a public park including hard and soft landscaping, play space, erection of structures, regularisation of existing footpaths and creation of new footpaths and boardwalks and disabled car parking. 

Have your say

On this webpage, you will find the relevant planning documents for the proposed development.

You are able to make comments regarding the proposed development by email or post. 


Post: Quod, 21 Soho Square, London, W1D 3Q

Design and access statement

The 'Design and Access Statement' is available to download as sections, due to the file size.

Planning statement

Some files may not be suitable if you are using assistive technology. If you need a more accessible version, please email and tell us the format you need.

Technical documents


Biodiversity net gain report

Preliminary ecology appraisal report

Phase 1 environmental site assessment

Phase 2 Contaminated land interpretative report

Sustainable drainage systems (SAB) application