Isle of Anglesey County Council

Parenting support and programmes

Flying Start logo high resolutionThere are many ways we can help to support you in this important role as a parent.

Our family workers provide one-to-one support in your home, as well as in the community. Their role is to support you and your family with day-to-day management, help with life skills and provide a support network.

A range of parenting groups and courses are delivered by the family worker. The parenting programmes are delivered in small groups of parents in a community venue within your local community.

A flexible portage service is also offered, this means supporting the development of children’s play, communication and relationships in everyday life.

Further information

Please read below our Family Team leaflet and Portage Service for further information.

If you are interested in attending a parenting programme or would like to find out more about what family support we can offer you, please contact the Flying Start Family Team.